Kirjoittaa rahalle: Kuinka freelancer voi tukea matkojasi

tässä uudessa Internet -aikakauslehtien, vieraiden lähettämis- ja online -sarakkeissa, linja toimittajan ja bloggaajan välillä on hämärtynyt. Nykyään, jos nautit kirjoittamisesta, löydät palkatun työn kirjoittamisen verkkosivustoille ja se on loistava tapa tukea matkojasi.

Saatat ajatella, että tämä online -työ- /matkatyö on tarkoitettu vain bloggaajille, mutta se on totta. Toki, jos sinulla on blogi, sinulla on automaattisesti online -salkku, jonka näkökulma työnantajat voivat selata, mutta sinun ei tarvitse olla freelance -kirjailija. Kuka tahansa voi saada palkkaa kirjoittaa verkossa, ja se on yksi parhaista tavoista, joilla tiedämme kuinka ansaita rahaa verkossa ja todella maksaa matkustamisesta ja / tai ansaita rahaa kotoa.

Mistä etsiä

Jos aiot etsiä maksettuja kirjoituskeikkoja verkossa, sinun on tiedettävä mistä etsiä. Ensinnäkin, sinun on selvitettävä, mistä olet intohimoinen. Nautitko puutarhanhoidosta? Olla vanhempi? Ruoanlaitto? Riippumatta intohimostasi, sinulla on paljon menestystyötä, jos kirjoitat jotain, josta nautit, sen sijaan, että etsit vain korkeimpia voittoja.

Koska luet tätä sivustoa, oletan, että intohimosi on matka! No, siellä on paljon online -lehtiä, verkkosivustoja, blogeja ja lehtiä, jotka ovat valmiita maksamaan matkakirjailijoille työstään. Upea resurssi freelance -työn löytämiseen on, josta löydät huomattavan luettelon verkkosivustoista, jotka ovat valmiita maksamaan kirjoittajille blogiviestejä.

Keskimääräinen palkka

Jokaisella verkkosivustolla on oma budjetti kirjoittajille, esimerkiksi: Vuohet tien budjetissa on 0 dollaria. Mutta suurin osa suuremmista julkaisuista maksaa artikkelista 25–250 dollaria, vaikka keskimääräinen korko on välillä 50–150 dollaria. Odottaa, että maksetaan aluksi tämän asteikon alaosassa, ja kun rakennat mainetta sivustolle, verkkovastaava voi alkaa maksaa sinulle vähän enemmän.

Sävelkorkeus (ja iskut)

Suurin osa, ellei kaikki artikkeliesi lähetetään sähköpostitse, mikä tarkoittaa, että olet vastustanut satoja muita ihmisiä, jotka yrittävät julkaista artikkeleita. Tärkeintä on olla erilainen ja kuulostaa henkilökohtaisesti sähköpostisi parissa ensimmäisissä rivissä. Älä kuulosta liian ammattimaiselta tai liian automatisoidulta, koska moderaattori voi vain “roskaa” sähköpostisi ennen kuin luet sen läpi. Verkkovastaajat ovat upotettu roskapostin kanssa, ja monilla meistä ei ole aikaa etsiä kaikkia vääriä sähköposteja löytääkseen loistavan.

Muista mainita sivusto, johon olet noussut muutamassa ensimmäisessä rivissä. Selitä, miksi pidät sivustosta ja ehkä jopa mainita suosikki artikkeli, joka nousi viime aikoina. Aloita sitten vähän nimeä putoaminen. Kerro heille blogistasi (jos sinulla on). Kerro heille kaikista koulutuksista, jotka sinulla on ollut kirjallisesti. Bragista muista paikoista, joissa olet julkaissut työsi, ja selitä, miksi kirjoitustyyli on täydellinen heidän!

On myös huomattava, että kun nouset artikkeleita, sinun on pakko lyödä joskus. Itse asiassa sinulla on todennäköisesti paljon enemmän iskuja kuin kotimatkat, joten ole kärsivällinen ja älä ota sitä henkilökohtaisesti. Sijoitin äskettäin 4 erillistä artikkelia ja päädyin palaamaan teospallot. Kolme lakkoa ei aina tarkoita, että olet poissa, ja vaikka sinun ei pitäisi häiritä toimittajia, kannattaa ehkä kokeilla muutamia erilaisia ​​lähestymistapoja ennen luopumista kokonaan.

Tässä on idea siitä, miltä sävelkorkeutesi voi näyttää:

Hyvä toimittaja,

Olen lukenut esimerkkejä.com jo jonkin aikaa ja huomaan elävän toisinaan monien matkajuttujen kautta. Pidän erityisesti äskettäisestä artikkelista “Matkani Something to Somethingstan”.

Nimeni on ______ ja hoitan suosittua matkablogia, jossa jaan tarinasi suuren samanhenkisten matkailijoiden yleisön kanssa.

Minua on esitelty _____, ______ ja paljon muuta. Minulla on loistava artikkeliidea ja mielestäni se olisi täydellinen

Artikkeli on nimeltään ”Pitch -artikkelin paras esimerkki” ja se… (selittää lyhyesti artikkeli täällä).

Toivon todella, että tämä on tyyppinen artikkeli, jota etsit joskus lähitulevaisuudessa. Haluaisin, että ensimmäisen kappaleeni julkaistaan ​​________ -lehdessä!

Jos sinulla on kysyttävää artikkelista tai kirjoitushistoriastani, ota rohkeasti yhteyttä minuun milloin tahansa. Jos yllä oleva idea ei ole etsimäsi, ilmoita siitä minulle. Minulla on paljon enemmän ideoita!

Kiitos ajastasi ja harkinnastasi.

Lämpimät terveiset,

Sinun nimesi

Toinen vaihtoehto on lähettää koko artikkelin kopio, mutta jos menet tällä reitillä, sinun pitäisi olla täydellinen luottamus lähettämäsi henkilöön, koska he voivat helposti julkaista sen hyvittämättä sinua ollenkaan. Lisäksi, jos päätät lähettää kokonaisia ​​artikkeleita, varmista, että et lähetä artikkelia useille sivuston omistajille, koska jos kaksi ihmistä hyväksyyit, you’ll have to turn one of them down.

Duplicate content Is A No-No!
Google and other search engines penalize bloggers and webmasters if they publish duplicate content. That means that whatever articles you publish online must be completely original and can’t be published anywhere else on the web.

Know Thy Audience

Whenever you pitch an article to a website, you should first know the site’s audience. A lot of sites that are willing to pay for articles will be looking for pieces with a journalistic approach (ie: less “I’s” more “you’s”). These types of articles tend to be more difficult to write and the editors for such sites are typically more choosy about who they hire for the posts.

Not all sites are looking for journalists however, especially in the travel field. You may find quite a few paying sites that are looking for first hand accounts of amazing travel stories. This is where the everyday traveller can really make some money from their writing. try writing the pieces in a way that will appeal to a broad audience and you should be able to find someone who will pay you for it!

No matter how you write, make sure you match your writing style to the site you are pitching. read some of their most popular posts and try to get a feel for what kind of posts the site is looking for. are there a lot of lists (ie: 10 ways To Make money Freelancing)? are there news stories, travel tales, interviews? If you try to pitch an article with the same tone as others already published, you’ll have a much better chance of getting the job.

Article Ideas

If you’re a traveller, you’ll probably have a ton of stories and ideas about travel, but we all hit a brick wall sometimes and just can’t think about what to write. here are some terrific ways to think of new posts when you’re having a bad case of blogger’s block.

• travel stories – These will probably be your “go-to” posts. write about a recent travel experience and pitch it to your favourite site. (i.e: “Horse Trekking High In The Mountains Of Kyrgyzstan” & “One Steppe Ahead: Trekking into The unknown Mongolia“).

• Lists – probably the most popular style of article in travel writing today, lists are terrific attention grabbers. (i.e. “5 countries You never thought You’d Visit… until Now!” & “10 Must-Try meals From around The Globe“) 

• Reviews – In the travel field, reviews are a very popular type of post and they can get a lot of search engine traffic. review your backpack, your laptop or a hotel! (i.e. “Dariece’s backpack – Osprey Kestrel 32 Review” & “Accommodation spotlight – Victoria house Belize“)

• Instructional – How To’s, Guides and Tutorials. Instructional posts should be helpful, interesting and comprehensive. (i.e: “Guide To Backpacking Thailand” & “How To find The perfect house sitting Job“)• Informational – how do you think Wikipedia became so popular? almost all web traffic starts from the user searching for information.• interviews – Interviews are a terrific way to connect with your favourite bloggers, and use their audience to boost the social presence of your writing. • Rant – Travelling usually comes with a lot of passion. You might hate or love certain aspects of the lifestyle. Rant about it. get controversial and you’ll probably get a lot of attention. OLE VARUILLASI! These types of posts typically attract a lot of negative comments, so make sure you have thick skin!• Inspirational – If you’re writing about how much you hate something in a rant, then you can also write about how much you love something. inspirational posts are terrific for travel writing and they help give people new ideas.For more terrific article ideas, check out pro Blogger’s “20 types of blog Posts: battling Writer’s Block“.

Titles, Titles, Titles!

When you’re pitching your article to perspective publishers, make sure that you have a catchy title. It is said that 80% of all web users click on an article based on the title alone. That means that once you’ve written a catchy title, you’ve already made 80 cents on every dollar the post is worth!

Here are a few types of titles you can use:

Questions: Why is freelance writing the best way to make money online?

Guides: The ultimate guide To Freelance Writing

Lists: 10 ways Freelance writing Can change Your Life

Discussions: Would you ever quit your job to become a freelance writer?

Comparisons: Freelancing vs travel Blogging: Which Is better For Making money Online?

Controversy: Freelance writing is better than travel Blogging

Blog or No Blog

Bloggers will definitely have a bit of an advantage when it comes to freelancing. Not only do they have an onliNE -portfolio, mutta on suurempi mahdollisuus, että he ovat kirjoittaneet teollisuuden tunnettuja nimiä. Freelancer on myös loistavaa bloggaajille, koska jos sinulla on blogi, voit linkittää takaisin sivustoosi muualla kirjoittamasi artikkeleista. Linkit ovat arvokkaita näinä päivinä, joten jos saat palkkion kirjoittaa ja saat linkkejä sivustoosi kunnioitettavilta verkkotunnilta, se on todella win-win.

Mutta entä jos sinulla ei ole blogia?

Voit silti freelance! Älä huolestu, jos kirjoittaminen on tarpeeksi hyvä ja tarinasi ovat pakottavia, ihmiset haluavat esitellä ne sivustollaan. Ota vain suosikki matkatarina, kokemus tai tietosi ja nouse se suosikkiblogiisi.

Etsitkö muita tapoja ansaita ylimääräistä rahaa puolella maksaaksesi matkustamisesta? Oletko koskaan harkinnut maksettujen online -tutkimusten tekemistä rahasta? Voit kirjautua muutamassa minuutissa ja alkaa ansaita ylimääräistä rahaa tänään.

Tehdä siitä uran

Nyt sinulla on perusajatus siitä, kuinka freelance-kirjoittaminen toimii, josta löydät työpaikkoja ja kuinka paljon voit tehdä, mutta älä odota lopettavan päivätyösi ja aloittavan vielä kokopäiväisen freelancerin! Taitojesi hioaminen vie paljon aikaa ja menestysasteen nostaminen artikkeleiden säveltämisessä. Kun sinulla on muutama kustantaja, joiden kanssa olet jo työskennellyt, maksettujen keikkojen löytäminen on helpompaa. Voit palata tuttuihin sivustoihin ja kerskata kokemustasi uusille ja mitä enemmän saat nimesi sinne, sitä enemmän sivustot todennäköisesti ottavat sinuun yhteyttä!

Jos pystyt saamaan 15 artikkelia / kuukausi johdonmukaisesti 100 dollarilla, voit pitää itseäsi kokopäiväisenä freelance-kirjoittajana!

Lopulliset ajatukset

Useimmat matkustajat pitävät nykyään jonkinlaista ennätystä matkastaan. Olipa kyseessä blogi, päiväkirja, sähköpostitse perheen kotiin tai vain muistiinpanot muistiinpanossa, me kaikki haluamme kirjoittaa matkailumme. Miksi et ansaitse näitä muistoja ja säveltää niitä suosikki matkasivustojesi toimittajille?! Jos pystyt tekemään vain 100 dollaria / artikkeli ja matkustat 25 dollaria päivässä, sinun on tehtävä yksi artikkeli vain 4 päivän välein tukemaan matkojasi! Vaikka sinut hylätään muutaman ensimmäisen kerran, yritä vain. Verkko on täynnä erilaisia ​​sivustoja eri markkinarakoissa ja he etsivät aina hauskaa, mielenkiintoista ja ainutlaatuista sisältöä … aivan kuten sinun!

Vastuuvapauslauseke: Vuohet tiellä on Amazon -osakkuusyritys ja myös tytäryhtiö joillekin muille jälleenmyyjille. Tämä tarkoittaa, että ansaitsemme palkkioita, jos napsautat linkkejä blogissamme ja ostat kyseisiltä jälleenmyyjiltä.

SENTOSA SINGAPORE: ending up being a youngster once again at Asia’s preferred Playground

Quarter-life crisis. I assumption it’s starting to kick in. practically every night because my 25th birthday I would just lie in my bed at night as well as believe about my childhood. When I close my eyes, I try to relive the days when I would just spread my arms broad open as well as pretend to fly. I try to keep in mind the day when I very first rode a bicycle. I try to envision climbing a close-by hill just so I might see the beach as well as feel the wind on my face. numerous times I would even dream about it. Unfortunately, unless time travel becomes a reality, all I can do is remember.

Woot! Sentosa!
Sentosa Merlion
I have always thought about Singapore to be a extremely contemporary as well as futuristic city. I had never been to any type of location in Singapore where I might not see or hear a close-by construction. advancement is unrelenting. however it is in this city where I had an chance to relive my lost childhood.

It was Day 4 of our Singapore-Malaysia cruise. Our cruise ship, the Superstar Virgo, docked in Singapore that morning. It wasn’t long up until we discovered ourselves stepping on Singapore soil again. It was unfortunate to quote goodbye to the ship however we were optimistic that there were still so much in store for us on the last day of this four-day trip.

Our trip bus chauffeur was already waiting on us when we emerged from the Harbourfront Centre. In no time, we were crossing over to Sentosa Island.

Mitä tässä oppaassa on katettu?

Tastes of Asia
GoGreen Segway Eco Adventure
The Luge as well as Skyride
Sentosa 4D Magix as well as Sentosa Cine Blast
Tiger sky Tower
Top budget plan hotels as well as Hostels in SingaporeSearch for much more Singapore Hotels!

More suggestions on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

Tastes of Asia

Our very first stop was a restaurant called tastes of Asia. Perfect, I thought. I was truly starving that time as well as I my stomach was making strange seems already. We shared the table with the hospitable women running the island. They were extremely accommodating as well as I liked exactly how curious as well as excited they were about the blogging as well as social network culture in the Philippines.

A few minutes later as well as samosas, appetizers, were served. The primary program was a option between spaghetti, Hainanese chicken, as well as laksa. I purchased Hainanese poultry since I was truly hungry as well as there was a hole in my tummy that only rice might fill that time. I liked exactly how tender the poultry was. So far, I had not tasted any type of Hainanese poultry in Singapore that did not deliver.

My blogging partner was kind sufficient to provide me some laksa since the serving was quite huge. IT WAS PHENOMENAL. I loved, loved, liked it. I started kicking myself in the rear from that moment. I ought to have purchased laksa.

GoGreen Segway Eco Adventure

After lunch, we headed directly to Segway Eco Adventure, which provides a trip on one of their personal mobile transporters. visitors may utilize these transporters to check out Palawan as well as Siloso beaches. however because we were all beginners, we stayed within the confines of what appeared like a training ground. In fact, there was a short tutorial before we were enabled to utilize them on our own.

Finally trying the mobile transporters!
While I was using my helmet, I was reminded of exactly how terrified I was when I was still discovering to trip a bike, exactly how embarrassing it was to autumn as well as hit the ground, exactly how aggravating it was to autumn once again as well as again, as well as exactly how satisfying it was to lastly discover exactly how to manage it. thankfully for me, whatever went smoothly.

The Luge as well as Skyride

After a short affair with Segway, it was time to autumn in like with the beautiful shoreline of Singapore from afar. We boarded the Skyride as well as it was truly unforgettable. I felt like an thrilled young child as we were taken to the top of the hill while drowning in the amazing view.

Bloggers aboard the Skyride (foreground) as well as our good friends from Airphil reveal photobombing (background)
Going downhill
Although we did not try the Luge, I was satisfied with just viewing other tourists have fun as they slide down the 650+ meters of the Dragon path or Jungle Trail. It was like viewing your playmates. funny exactly how other visitors on the ground would wave at us as well as we would wave back at them.

Sentosa 4D Magix as well as Sentosa Cine Blast

I like viewing in 3D theaters (or 4D, for that matter). I delighted in Mickey’s Philharmonic at Disneyland Hong Kong as well as the Shrek 4D experience at universal Studios Singapore, so I was truly expecting to be entertained at the Sentosa 4D Magix although there was quite a queue. One thing that made it a refreshing experience for me was that the film was notan animation however online action. It was a fun experience.

Sentosa Cine Blast as well as 4D Magix
Cine Blast, on the other hand, takes visitors to an interesting 4D motion-simulated ride. integrating HD projection with a “rollercoaster” ride, the Cine Blast features a online trip with mountains as well as valleys as well as wild rivers!

Tiger sky Tower

Standing 110-meters tall, the Tiger sky Tower is the tallest observation tower in Singapore. The trip takes you 131 meters above sea level, providing you a amazing panoramic views of Sentosa as well as Singapore. If you’re lucky as well as the sky is as remove as glass, you ought to likewise be able to see some islands of Malaysia as well as Indonesia.

Siloso beach as well as islets as saw from the Tiger sky Tower
These are just a few of the attractions in Sentosa. There are a great deal more. I was especially eyeing iFly: indoor Skydiving however we ran short of time.

iFly: indoor Skydiving
I liked Sentosa as well as exactly how it bombarded me with youth memories. Something tells me I ought to fly back to Singapore one of these days.

Top budget plan hotels as well as Hostels in Singapore

As placed by Agoda reviewers.

Dream Lodge (Picture courtesy of Agoda)

Dream Lodge. Tarkasta hinnat ja saatavuus! ✅

CapsulePod@Aljunied. Tarkasta hinnat ja saatavuus! ✅

Hipstercity Hostel. Tarkasta hinnat ja saatavuus! ✅

ST signature Chinatown. Tarkasta hinnat ja saatavuus! ✅

Cube shop capsule hotel @ Chinatown. Tarkasta hinnat ja saatavuus! ✅

Chic Capsules. Tarkasta hinnat ja saatavuus! ✅

Search for much more Singapore Hotels!

Lisää ehdotuksia YouTubesta ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Universal Studios Singapore: A journey with films

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Cocktail -koulu Flying Trunk Barissa, Adelaide

Adelaide, Etelä -Australia on tunnettu fantastisesta punaviinikulttuuristaan. Mutta lähempänä kotia kuin upea liikkuvat viinitarhat, pienten baarien lukumäärä on nousussa. Goodwoodin lentävä runkobaari on yksi tällainen paikka. Menimme tutkimaan ja hankkimaan samanaikaisesti cocktailin sekoitustunnin.

Ei ole mitään kuin paikallisen tiedon, joka saa määränpään todella puhua sinulle. Et todennäköisesti löytäisi lentävää tavaratilan cocktailbaaria Adelaidesta ilman ystävällisen Adelaidean -apua.

Onneksi tiedämme yhden, joten olemme nyt kiinni siitä, kuinka hyvä tämä pieni piilotettu helmi todella on.

Lentävä tavaratila on omituinen pieni kasteluaukko. King William Roadin ja Union Streetin nurkkaan istutettu huomaamaton kahvila-muotoilu ja eurooppalaistyylinen baari antavat tavaratilaan ystävällisen, aulan kaltaisen tunnelman.

Kun kävelet baarin sivulta lentävän tavaratilan takaosaan, et voi auttaa huomaamaan hiukan kiehtovaa seinämaalausta, joka kulkee seinän koko pituuden.

Se on dali-esque-alppikohtaus, jonka elefantit ovat huippujensa keskuudessa lentävän huipputason, joka kelluu joukosta ilmapalloja. Se on vähän outoa, mutta se sopii tavallaan tähän rentoutumiseen, epämiellyttävään tapahtumapaikkaan.

Takaosassa on paljon enemmän istuimia ja lentävän tavaratilan uusimman hankkeen: cocktail -koulun sijainti.

Joten kylmänä kesäkuun illalla työnsimme ison lasioven läpi oppiaksemme hienovaraisen Mixology -taidetta. Meitä oli viisi sinä yönä: minä, rouva Romance, Carly, Sonia ja tietysti herra S -tyyli.

Olimme innoissamme siitä, että tutustuimme mieluummin juomiin paljon henkilökohtaisemmalla tasolla. Olimme kaikki innoissamme, kun ikuisesti asiakas ja lahjakas opettaja Amy kertoi meille, että opiskelemme 4 klassian tekemistä sinä yönä:

Negroni, mojito, margarita, kosmopoliittinen ja vanhanaika.

First Amy vei meidät kunkin juoman vaiheet, keskustelemalla ainesosista, vähän historiaa ja joitain haastavia tekniikoita.

Sitten joimme juomaa ja katselimme, kun jokaisella meistä oli menossa uudelleen sen luomiseen – tietysti Mixology Master -mestarin tarkkailun alla.

Sitten joimme myös juoman.

Rakastan cocktailien katselua hyvin. Cocktail -baarin henkilökunta todella tekee siitä näyttämään niin helpoalta, mutta kun olet baarin toisella puolella yrittäessäsi muistaa juoman eri vaiheet, huomaat kuinka haastavan sen pitäisi olla.

3 cocktailin valmistus temppuja, jotka opimme Amyltä lentävässä tavaratilan baarissa

1. Kuinka sekoittaa cocktailia

Juoman sekoittaminen oikealla cocktail -lusikalla sekoituspullossa on yllättävän hankala.

Et vain saa lusikkaa ja aloita vispilä pois. Se siru jäätä ja vettä juomasta liikaa. Sen sijaan käytät kaupan spiraalisuunnittelua kääntyäksesi luonnollisesti sormenpäisiin ja työntääksesi jäätä pullon sisäreunan ympärille.

2. Negronissa on 4 ainesosaa

Kyllä, negronissa on makea vermut, Campari ja (yleensä) gin, mutta jäästä vettä tulisi myös harkita. Kun vesi sekoittuu cocktailin kanssa sekoittaessasi jäätä, se pilaa alkoholin palovamman ja tekee juomasta paljon sujuvamman.

Tämä valitsee lukuisia vain alkoholin cocktaileja, kuten Manhattan ja vanhanaikainen.

3. Pidä pokerin kasvot, kun ravistat cocktailia

Huhujen mukaan kasvot, jotka teet, kun ravistat cocktailia, ovat sama kuin teet, kun olet… hyvin, seksikkäinä aikoina. Rouva Romance näyttää nauravan, eikö niin? En tiedä mitä viestiä hän yrittää laittaa tänne.

Täällä tekemät juomat olivat herkullisia Amyn avun ansiosta. Mutta on syytä huomauttaa, että se on myös korkealaatuisia ainesosia, joita käytimme. Lentävärunkobaari varastossa paljon erinomaisia ​​Aussie -käsityöviiniä ja väkeviä alkoholijuomia, kuten Adelaide Hills Distillery 78 ° gin.

Jos etsit hauskaa iltaa Adelaidessa, muista tarkistaa lentävän rungon cocktail -luokat. Se on loistava tapa aloittaa ilta, etkä koskaan tiedä, saatat vain oppia jotain!

Lentävä tavaratilan tapas ja cocktailbaari

Hyvä: Erinomaiset päiväyöjuomat, kevyet puremat, pienet ryhmät, aussie -käsityöläiset ja tietysti cocktail -luokat.

Avoinna: torstai-Sun-17.00-laki

70 kuningas William Road
Etelä -Australia

FB: @TheflyingTrunkBar
IG: @Theflyingtrunk

Onko sinulla temppuja tai ehdotuksia loistavan cocktailin tekemiseksi? Missä valitset cocktailikorjauksen? Kerro meille kommenteissa!

MRS-romanssin kuvat käyttämällä Olympus OM-D E-M10 -kameraa.

7 Yksinkertaista reseptisovellusta House Cooksille!

Suuri joukko meistä on viettänyt paljon aikamme talossa ottaen huomioon, että naapuruston karanteeni tuijotti. Jotkut palvelut toimivat luurankojen työvoiman kanssa, kun taas toiset jatkavat kodin asennusta. Säädämme hitaasti “uuteen normaaliin”.

Perustarpeiden, kuten Food, löydämme lähetyksen sekä poimia palveluita hyödyllisiä. On kuitenkin hetkiä, jolloin kaipaamme kotiruokaa, siksi reseptihakujen piikki verkossa.

Niille, jotka haluavat valmistaa sekä keittää ateriansa tai hioa ruoanlaitto- tai leivontataitojaan, on mobiilisovelluksia, jotka toimittavat runsaasti valintoja ruokaraputteihin-helposti kypsennettyihin ja ruokapäivityksiin. Täällä on muutama näkyvälle ilmaiseksi resepti -mobiilisovelluksista, joita sekä iPhone että Android käyttävät.

Mitä tässä oppaassa on katettu?

Yummly reseptit
Keittiötarinat reseptit
Aasian ruoka – terveelliset reseptit
Pinoy -elintarvikkeet
Lisää ideoita YouTubessa ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Liityneet viestit:


Vaikka tämä reseptin kokoamisovellus perustuu Yhdysvaltoihin, reseptit ovat pääasiassa helppoja noudattaa sekä soveltuvia missä tahansa. Vaaditaan vain löytää korvaavia komponentteja muille, joita ei voida löytää paikallisesti.

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Voit etsiä luokittelujen, kuten ateriatyypin, ensisijaisen ainesosan, tilanteiden jne. Perustuen, lisää reseptejä, jotka haluat haluamasi luetteloon nopeaan ja välittömään viitteeseen.

Pinoy -elintarvikkeet

Halutteletko lutong-bahay? Pinoy Food Resepts -sovellus koottelevat Pinoy -reseptejä, mukaan lukien rakastetut alueelliset ruokia, välipaloja ja jälkiruokia. Sitä tarjotaan vain Androidilla.

IOS-käyttäjille vaihtoehto on filippiiniläinen keittiö: yksinkertainen ja herkullinen, jotka myös vaiheittaisten toimenpiteiden lisäksi myös seulotut ravitsemustiedot. Siellä on selauslaatikko, jonka avulla navigointi on paljon helpompaa ja yksilöllinen luettelo, jotta haluat tallentaa haluamasi reseptin ja merkitä ainesosia.


Epicurious on Condé Nast Digital -sovelluksen perustama elintarvikesovellus, joka koostuu paitsi kirjoitetuista resepteistä myös videoista. Yli 35 000 reseptiä kuratoitu vakiintuneista kulinaarisista sekä Food Magazine -julkaisijoista, kuten Gourmet, Bon Appetit, Harper Collins, ja enemmän, et koskaan lopu ruokaideoista.

Sen avulla voit myös tallentaa haluamasi reseptit ja piiskata ostolistalle helppoa. Siinä on ominaisuuksia, kuten komponentit, vaihtaminen, kausikomponenttien etsijä, samoinS viisas keittiön alueen ajastin.

2020 • 7 • 10

Lisää ideoita YouTubessa ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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10 things TO SEE and do in LEÓN, NICARAGUA

Updated: 12/18/20 | December 18th, 2020

León was one of the highlights of my trip to Nicaragua. filled with history, delicious food, lots of outdoor activities, volcanoes, and nearby beaches, there was much more to do here than I thought.

The city is named after León, Spain. After Nicaragua was given independence from Spain in the 1800s, the elites of León and Granada struggled over which city would become the capital (eventually Managua was picked).

During the struggles between the Sandinistas and Somozas in the 20th century, the city changed hands numerous times between the two and was a scene of constant and intense combating (you can still see bullet marks on some buildings). This lasted all the way through the 1980s (which saw us involvement in the Iran-Contra affair) until peace was finally established.

Now, León is a stable university town with a growing food scene, lots of markets, growing (but not overwhelming) tourism, and much more colonial churches and cathedrals per capita than any other place in Nicaragua. I spent four days here hiking, eating, overdosing on churches, and sweltering in the heat.

Located in northwest Nicaragua, León is a college town typically overlooked by tourists who stick to places like Granada, Ometepe, and the beaches.

When I visited, I expected a lot of tourists. After all, there is a lot to see and do in León. instead I found mostly empty hostels and few gringos wandering the streets during my check out — which made it all the much more enjoyable!

I love the city and found a lot to do here. There’s no shortage of ways to spend a couple of days here as you travel around Nicaragua. Here’s a list of my favorite things to do in León:

1. Take a totally free walking Tour

Whenever I check out a new city I kick things off with a walking tour. They’re the best way to get a feel for the city, see the main sights, and get an introduction to the history and culture. Plus, you’ll be able to ask a local any and all questions that you have.

The original totally free walking trip is your best choice for here. They give you a good summary of the city and its history. (Just make sure to suggestion your guide at the end!)

2. check out the museum of the Revolution

This museum in the old mayor’s residence is dedicated to the Sandinistas and their fight against the country’s oppressive program It’s only two rooms, but you’ll get your own personal guide who discusses the history of the movement (in Spanish or English) and will take you up to the roofing system for good photos of León. The trips may be short, but it was my favorite activity in the city as you’re talking to a local and getting a comprehensive history filled with local perspective and context. many of the guides are former soldiers too.

Parque Central. open daily from 9am-6pm. Admission is $3 USD.

3. check out the Churches

There are a lot of churches in Léon. It has much more churches per capita than any other place in Nicaragua. I spent an entire day going to these monuments to God and marveling at their varying levels of detail. even if you’re not a religious person (I’m not), you can still appreciate the beauty, architecture, and history of these buildings. My favorites were:

Iglesia El Calvario – A neoclassical and baroque church dating back to the 18th century.

Iglesia La Recolección – built in 1786, this is considered the city’s many stunning church.

Iglesia de San Juan Bautista de Subtiava – originally built in the 1500s, this is the oldest church in Léon.

4. take in the Art

There is a big art scene in the city, and a number of galleries are available to enjoy. My favorite was the Museo de Arte Fundación Ortiz-Gurdián, which is also the biggest. Housed in two buildings, it features a collection of old religious art as well as modern Nicaraguan artists. There are early pre-Columbian works, Spanish colonial religious artifacts, as well as modern and contemporary pieces.

It takes a few hours to explore, and both buildings have beautiful courtyard gardens to unwind in. My favorite painting was El Retiro by Mauricio Gomez Jaramillo.

Av 3 Pte, +505 2311 7222, open Tuesday-Sunday from 10am-4pm Admission is $3 USD.

5. Hit the Beach

A short bus ride from the city, you’ll find stunning beaches, warm water, and people in the surf. The surf isn’t as pleasurable as in the southern part of the country (I’m told it’s a bit rough here), but if you’re wanting to unwind and amazing off in the dry heat of the region, these beaches check all the best boxes. 

Playa Poneloya and Las Peñitas are the most popular beaches. Both are just a 20-minute bus ride from the city center as well.

6. Go Volcano Boarding

Throughout the country, I saw people wearing the popular “I went volcano boarding” shirt, and this activity is what draws many backpackers here. After all, who wouldn’t want to slide down an active volcano on a piece of wood?(Not me. I skipped this activity. The hike? Sure. Going down on a plank of wood? No thanks.)

Trips leave multiple times per day and last a few hours (Cerro Negro, the volcano, is just an hour from the city). Bigfoot trips is the most popular trip operator. 

Prices start around $30 USD per person.

7. wander the Market

León is a market town and its well-known enormous central market located near the cathedral is hectic, fun, and interesting. You can find everything there: grocers, street food vendors, toys, kitschy souvenirs, and everything in between. Moreover, you’ll find delicious soups, BBQ meat sticks, and other local fares. Stop by to browse, eat, and take in the local pace of life.

8. check out “Old” León

The ruins of León Viejo date back to the 16th century and are a short trip from León. The site is Nicaragua’s only UNESCO world Heritage noting and is one of the oldest Spanish colonial settlements in the Americas. While this isn’t some luxurious destroy site, it’s really the only place to see and learn about the country’s founding colonial past. The ruins of León Viejo were discovered in 1967 and excavations began the following year. even if you’re not a history buff like me, it’s still worth a visit!

León Viejo, +505 2222 2722. open daily from 9am-5pm (4pm on weekends). Admission is $5 USD.

9. El Fortín de Acosasco

Built in 1889, the fort was used to safeguard the region from attacks by the coast. It fell into disuse from 1930-1960 before becoming a hub for torture and secret executions under dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle. When the Sandinistas retook the area, forces faithful to the dictator fell back here before retreating further.

Today, you can check out the fort and experience the uneasy stillness that haunts the hilltop. You can wander the various torture chambers and see just how brutal the conditions would have been when the facility was in use. It’s a grim but eye-opening place to visit.

Take a taxi from the city and check out with others as it’s a long walk and muggings have been known to happen when hikers check out alone.

10. Hike Some Volcanoes

One of the main reasons why people come here is to hike the nearby volcanoes, as León is near the country’s volcanic range, numerous of which are still active. You’ll be able to choose between easy half-day hikes and much more intense full 12-hour day hikes. the most popular hikes are:

Cerro Negro (1-2 hours; popular for volcano boarding)

Telica (a moderate 7-9 hours)

San Cristóbal (11 hours; the longest and hardest)

Momotombo (the second-hardest hike; 6-9 hours)

Expect to pay around $60-80 USD for a guided hike.

What I loved about León was its close proximity to so numerous outdoor markets, low-cost food, and good foodie restaurants. It felt a lot much more “local” than the traveler meccas of Granada and Ometepe down south. My check out there was one of the highlights of my trip to Nicaragua and I highly recommend you make it a point of going to here too!

Book Your trip to Nicaragua: Logistical suggestions and Tricks
Varaa lentosi
Use Skyscanner or Momondo to find a low-cost flight. They are my two favorite search engines because they search sites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned. start with Skyscanner first though because they have the most significant reach!

Varaa majoitus
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the most significant inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the most affordable rates for guesthouses and low-cost hotels. My favorite places to stay are:

ViaVia Leon


Älä unohda matkavakuutusta
Travel insurance will safeguard you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s extensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it numerous times in the past. Suosikkiyritykset, jotka tarjoavat parhaan palvelun ja arvon, ovat:

Safety Wing (for everyone below 70)

Vakuuta matkani (yli 70) niille

Medjet (for additional repatriation coverage)

Looking for the best companies to save money With?
Tutustu resurssisivulleni parhaat yritykset, joita käytetään matkustaessasi. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Want much more information on Nicaragua?
Be sure to check out our robust destination guide on Nicaragua for even much more planning tips!

11 things TO SEE as well as perform in BERGEN, NORWAY

Last Updated: 1/25/2022 | January 25th, 2022

Enveloped by steep mountains as well as sitting next to the country’s deepest as well as longest fjord, Bergen is a little city tucked away on the west coastline of Norway.

Though house to only 220,000 people, there’s a unusual amount of things to see as well as perform in this small city. You can quickly spend days right here hiking its natural surroundings, kicking back on a fjord cruise, eating fresh seafood, as well as discovering about its long history. I stayed about three days during my see as well as felt I might have stayed a bit longer. It’s pretty, historic, as well as full of a great deal of great food options.

Bergen is a quite huge vacationer destination in Norway so you unfortunately won’t have this city to yourself. To assist you make the most of your trip, right here are my top 12 things to see as well as perform in Bergen:

1. Take a complimentary walking excursion

The very first thing I do whenever I show up in a new location is to do a complimentary walking tour. They’re the very best method to get the lay of the land, see the primary sights, as well as satisfy a regional professional of whom I can ask all my questions.

Nordic flexibility excursions organizes routine excursions in English as well as Spanish. (Just make sure to idea your guide at the end!)

2. See the Fish Market

The Bergen Fish Market dates back to the 13th century. For centuries, it’s been the hub for regional fishermen to offer their fresh fish as well as seafood. The indoor section of the market began in 2012 as well as is open year-round (the outside market opens on may 1 for the summer).

If you’re seeking to sample some regional delicacies, there are likewise great deals of restaurants as well as food stalls. just make sure you budget plan yourself, as costs variety from 130 NOK ($14 USD) for an appetizer to around 290 NOK ($30 USD) for a primary dish.

Torget 5. open Monday-Thursday from 10am-10pm, Friday-Saturday from 9am-10pm, as well as Sundays from 11am-10pm.

3. see the Maritime Museum

Bergen has depended heavily on maritime trade considering that its inception in the 11th century. You can spend an afternoon at this museum discovering about the city’s maritime history. The exhibitions include ships, paintings, films, artifacts, original maps, as well as some cannons from the 18th century.

The highlight right here is the Kvalsund boat, an old Viking longship that dates to the eighth century. It was excavated in 1920. There’s likewise an original Halsnøy boat that dates back to somewhere between 390 as well as 535 CE.

Haakon Sheteligs plass 15, +47 55 54 96 00, open June-August: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday-Sunday 11am-4pm. September-May: everyday 11am-3pm. Admission is 120 NOK ($13.50 USD). You can take a guided excursion of the museum in English during the months of June, July, as well as August.

4. roam Bryggen

Bryggen is the old wharf as well as is house to over 60 narrow, brilliantly colored wooden boathouses. From the 14th with the 16th centuries, Bryggen was the primary hub for the Hanseatic League, a powerful vendor guild from central as well as northern Europe. fun fact: its office is the only original building that’s still standing -the rest have been rebuilt in the exact same style.

Today, these buildings are utilized by different restaurants, vacationer offices, as well as hotels. though fires have ruined a great deal of the original buildings, the area is still a lovely location to roam around. You can discover about the history of the wharf at the Bryggen museum as well as the Hanseatic Museum.

5. check out the Botanical Garden

Bergen’s Botanical garden was well established in 1996 as well as covers 17 acres. It’s a great location to get hold of some fresh air as well as kick back with a book. With over 5,000 types of plants, it’s house to Norway’s largest collection of roses, in addition to the largest collection of rhododendrons in Scandinavia. There are likewise different sections, like the Sunny Meadow (home to summertime annuals), a standard Japanese garden, as well as the Alpine Garden, with all type of alpine plants from around the world.

Mildevegen 240, +47 55 58 72 50, The garden is open 24 hours as well as admission is free.

6. Hike install Ulriken

Located just a few kilometers outside the city, install Ulriken stands 643 meters (2,100 feet) high as well as is the tallest of the seven mountains near Bergen. If you’re not feeling up for a hike to the top, you can take the cord car, which takes about eight minutes as well as costs 285 NOK ($30 USD) round trip. At the top, you’ll get spectacular sweeping views of Bergen as well as the sea. There are some shorter hikes (2-3 hours long) up there as well.

If you take pleasure in an adrenaline rush, you can speed down the mountain on Norway’s fastest zipline. It opened in 2016 as well as is 300 meters long. You requirement to book tickets in development though. Tickets expense 450 NOK ($47 USD).

7. check out Pepperkakebyen

The Gingerbread City, open in November as well as December, is the world’s greatest annual gingerbread festival. It started in 1991 as well as now includes over 2,000 volunteers, bakers, businesses, as well as schools. It is made up of numerous gingerbread homes as well as made to look like a snowy wintry nighttime in Bergen. If you’re right here during the holiday season, don’t miss it!

Teatergaten 30-2, +47 55 55 39 39, open from mid-November up until December 31. Admission is 150 NOK ($16.75 USD) for adults as well as complimentary for kids under 12.

8. see KODE

The KODE museum is one of the largest in Scandinavia for music, contemporary art, furniture, videos, historical artifacts, as well as crafts. It showcases a large range of over 40,000 objects that date back to the 1800s. The museum is found in four buildings; visitors can likewise see the houses of three popular Norwegian composers (Edvard Grieg, Harald Sæverud, as well as Ole Bull).

Head over to KODE 1 to see the Silver Treasure, a long-term exhibition of gold as well as silver objects, dating from 500 years in the past. For momentary exhibitions as well as Bergen’s largest art bookstore, inspect out KODE 2. KODE 3, which opened in 1924, is house to works from Edvard Munch, who painted The Scream.

Rasmus Meyers allé 9, +47 53 00 97 04, open Tuesday–Sunday (hours vary per season). Admission is 150 NOK ($16.75 USD).

9. See Bergenhus Fortress

Next to the Bergen Harbor is an imposing stone fort called the Bergenhus Fortress. It dates back to the 1260s as well as is one of the oldest fortresses in Norway. It includes Rosenkrantz Tower, a fortified tower that dates to the 16th century, as well as Haakon’s Hall, a former royal home from the 13th century.

Unfortunately, a terminate destroyed Haakon’s Hall as well as all of the interior designs in 1944, so it is now embellished with tapestries as well as is generally utilized for shows as well as banquets. The Rosenkrantz Tower was the home of Eirik Magnusson, the last king to hold court in Bergen. Make sure you climb the narrow stairs to the top of the tower, where you’ll get an excellent view of the surrounding area.

5003 Bergen, +47 55 54 63 87. Admission is free.

10. see the Leprosy Museum

Leprosy ran rampant in Europe between 1850 as well as 1900. With three leprosy hospitals, the city had the biggest concentration on lepers in all of Europe. This eye-opening museum is found inside of St. George’s. Its archives belong to UNESCO’s Memory of the world Programme. You can take an academic excursion to discover about the history, symptoms, as well as treatment of leprosy, in addition to what the conditions were like in the hospitals during the outbreak.

Kong Oscars entrance 59, +47 481 62 678. open May–August. Admission is 120 NOK ($13.50 USD).

11. Take a Fjord Cruise

This is a spectacular method to view the fjords up close as well as take a kicking back break from the city. There are a number of different fjords around Bergen, so you can select a excursion that fits your budget plan as well as timing.

The one to Mostraumen run year-round excursion as well as takes you 27 kilometers in the Osterfjord along the Mostraumen strait. You’ll see towering mountains, sparkling waterfalls, as well as you may even area seals as well as eagles!

You can likewise take a fjord cruise to Nærøyfjord as well as Sognefjord (Norway’s longest fjord) to get up close to the stunning valleys as well as massive peaks.

Expect to pay anywhere from 700 to 2,000 NOK ($73–209 USD) per person.

Even though Bergen can be an costly destination to see however there are lots of complimentary as well as affordable activities right here to keep you busy. It’s a prominent destination however it lives as much as its reputation. I liked my see to Bergen. I suspect you will too.

Get Your thorough budget plan guide to Europe!

My in-depth 200+ page guidebook is produced budget plan travelers like you! It cuts out the fluff discovered in other guides as well as gets directly to the functional info you requirement to travel while in Europe. It has suggested itineraries, budgets, methods to save money, on as well as off the beaten path things to see as well as do, non-touristy restaurants, markets, bars, security tips, as well as much more! Click right here to discover a lot more as well as get your copy today.

Book Your trip to Bergen: Logistical ideas as well as Tricks
Varaa lentosi
Käytä Skyscanneria tai Momondoa löytääksesi edullisen lennon. They are my two preferred browse engines since they browse web sites as well as airlines around the globe so you always understand no stone is left unturned. begin with Skyscanner very first though since they have the greatest reach!

Book Your Accommandaatio
Voit varata hostellin hostelliworldilla, koska heillä on suurin osake ja hienoimmat tarjoukset. Jos haluat pysyä muualla kuin hostellissa, käytä -sivustoa, koska ne palauttavat jatkuvasti kalliita hintoja majataloille ja edullisille hotelleille. Suositut oleskelun sijaintini ovat:

Hei Bergen Hostel Montana

Bergenin budjettisuunnitelma hostelli

Marken Gjesthus -hostelli

Älä muista matkavakuutusta
Matkavakuutusturva varmistaa sinut sairauksista, loukkaantumisista, varkauksista ja peruutuksista. Se on yksityiskohtainen turvallisuus tilanteessa Kaikki menee pieleen. En koskaan lähde matkalle ilman sitä, koska minun on joutunut hyödyntämään sitä monta kertaa aiemmin. Suositeltavan yritykseni, joka tarjoaa parasta palvelua ja arvoa, ovat:

Turvallisuussiipi (kaikille alle 70)

Vakuuta matkani (yli 70) niille

MedJet (ylimääräistä palauttamista varten)

Etsitkö parasta yritystä säästää rahaa?
Tutustu resurssisivulleni parasta yritystä, jota käytetään matkustaessasi. Listaan ​​kaikki käyttämäni säästääkseni rahaa tiellä. Ne säästävät rahaa myös matkustaessasi.

Haluatko paljon lisätietoja Norjasta?
Varmista, että näet vankka kohdeoppaamme Norjassa edes paljon enemmän suunnitteluvinkkejä!


good is the second many went to city in France, next only to Paris. as well as it’s not challenging to see why. It has all the best aspects for a tourism powerhouse — a picturesque place along the Mediterranean, a well-connected flight terminal as well as railway station, an undeniably charming vibe, a unique culture, as well as a long, eventful history.

On top of all that, good is likewise the main gateway to the French Riviera. tucked neatly in the southeastern corner of France, the French Riviera is laced with a beautiful shoreline that is punctuated by a number of postcard-worthy towns as well as villages. From Nice, other destinations in the region as well as neighboring areas are a short bus or train trip away. No wonder, numerous travelers select good as their base when checking out this corner of Europe.

You can do this by taking public transportation or by joining a group tour. If you plan to go to just one or two in a day, the bus or train makes sense. The bus, in particular, is extremely cheap.

Bussilla. This is the most affordable however slowest option. The TAM (Transport Alpes-Maritimes) operates intercity buses within the region, from Cannes to Menton. the most prominent bus routes are the Bus 100, which can take you from good to Villefranche-sur-Mer to Monaco to Menton, as well as Bus 200, to Antibes as well as Cannes. Fare is only 1.50€, valid for the next 74 minutes. See routine here!

Junalla. The TER Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur can take you to other cities as well as villages in the region. The primary station is the Gare de Nice-Ville. Fares are 1.90€ for Villefranche, 4.10€ for Monaco, 4.80€ for Antibes, 5.50€ for Menton, as well as 7.20€ for Cannes. inspect routine here!

But if you want to see several destinations in the region or you want a much better appreciation of each stop, we suggest joining a group tour. You’ll discover lots of them, each with their own itineraries. There are two primary types: a Riviera tour, which will take you to the seaside cities like Villefranche, Eze, Monaco, as well as Cannes; as well as a countryside tour, which will take you to inland villages as well as towns like Grasse, Gourdon, as well as Opio. You can book them on Klook.

✅ book the RIVIERA trip here!

✅ join the COUNTRYSIDE trip here!

Mitä tässä oppaassa on katettu?

Top budget plan hotels in Nice
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Monaco is a small however sovereign country that is quickly available from Nice. Don’t let its size trick you since this destination provides lots of attractions as well as style for tourists. Some locations of rate of interest you can include in your schedule are the Palais du Prince, Jardin Exotique, Larvotto beach as well as others.

How to get there: You can take the train to Monaco Monte-Carlo from good Ville station. One method fare is around 4.10€ as well as the trip takes roughly 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can take Bus #100, the Monaco/Menton route, from Nice. You can board it from the top of the Port near a church. The fare is 1.50€ as well as the trip lasts for about 45 minutes, however will pass with gorgeous views.


Many understand Cannes for the well-known film celebration exhibiting the artistry of numerous film makers around the world. However, it is likewise a prime traveler destination along the French Riviera since of its historic sites, museums, as well as beaches. Some locations of rate of interest include the Marche Forville, La Croisette, Le Vieux Port as well as others.

How to get there: You can quickly reach Cannes from good by train. The trip takes roughly 30 minutes with a train leaving every hour. Alternatively, you can catch the bus departing from either terminal 1 or 2 at good worldwide flight terminal as well as will show up at Cannes’ bus station. Bus 210 as well as 200 go to Cannes as well; the former is the reveal service while the latter takes several stops (longer travel time).


Image courtesy of Klook. book your trip with Klook!
This quaint town may not sound a bell like Cannes, however it has a great deal of old world charm. Antibes has a gorgeous old town as well as a number of festivals. It’s one of the most captivating towns in the Riviera. Some attractions include The Naval as well as Napoleonic Museum, Picasso’s Trail, Cap d’Antibes as well as Fort Carre just to name a handful.

How to get there: You can take bus #200 to reach Antibes, the fare is only 1.5€. However, this can take a long time since of the web traffic as well as several stops. Alternatively, you can board a train at Nice-Ville station to Antibes; the trip takes around 20 minutes.


Villefranche-sur-Mer is a beautiful seaside commune east of Nice, just near the Monégasque border. aside from picture-perfect views, it boasts centuries-old structures like the Saint Michel Church as well as Saint Elme Citadel. dealing with the Bay of Villefranche, its coastline likewise attracts beach-goers!

How to get there: You can take the train to Villefranche. One method fare is around 1.90€. You can take Bus #100, the Monaco/Menton route, or Bus 81. The fare is 1.50€.


Image through Klook. book your trip with Klook!
Situated between Villefranche as well as Monaco is Eze, a 1500-year-old village perched at 430 meters atop a hill. Its serenity is ideal for a quiet, charming time. go on a leisurely walk on its medieval alleys or delight in a glass of red wine while admiring the beautiful view of the sea! Eze likewise has a botanical garden that you may want to inspect out.

How to get there: From Nice, take Bus #82 or #112. Fare is 1.50€. travel time is around 30 minutes.


Another perched village you ought to think about including in your schedule is Gourdon. It hangs above the Gorges du Loup, a breathtaking canyon finest understood for the Saut du Loup waterfall. get lost in between its medieval stone homes or go to the castle, developed for the Counts of Provence back in the day.


Most popularly understood as the world’s perfume capital, the village of Grasse has had a thriving perfume market because the 18th century. It creates two-thirds of the perfume as well as food scents in France. In Grasse, you can join a guided factory trip as well as discover much more about the art as well as history of perfumes!

Don’t leave without seeing the Notre Dame de Puy, the town’s 12th-century Romanesque cathedral as well as the paintings of Jean-Honoré Fragonard, showcased in a museum housed in a 17th-century villa.


The city of Aix-en-Provence has historic structures, a spectacular countryside, as well as lots of old world, rustic charm. Some noteworthy attractions include Cours Mirabeau, Le Thoronet Abbey, Vignoble de Provence as well as Chateau des Baux de Provence just to name a few.

If you have much more time, you can likewise go to the numerous lavender fields carpeting its map.


As one of the oldest cities in France, Marseilles still retains a vibe from the bygone era. Its Old Port dates back to 600 BC as well as its different communities such as La Paine as well as Le Panier offer visitors with a peek of its storied past.

How to get there: Marseilles is quickly available from Nice. One choice is to take the train from Nice-Ville station to Marseille St. Charles station. Fare is somewhere around 25€ to 64€ depending upon seat class. However, costs may vary depending upon season as well as availability so inspect online. The trip takes roughly 2.5 hours. Alternatively, you can take the bus from good flight terminal Bus station to Marseille Train station for as inexpensive as 5€.


Avignon is a possible long day trip from Nice. This city played an essential function in Europe’s history since it was when the Catholic Church’s center of power as well as influence. You’ll see numerous spectacular gothic as well as renaissance structures. a few of the locations you can go to include the Palais des Papes, Pont Saint-Benezet, location de l’Horloge as well as others.

How to get there: You can catch a train from good Ville station. The trip takes around 4 hours one way. try to board the very first train that leaves to have much more time in Avignon.

Top budget plan hotels in Nice

Here are the top budget plan hotels in Nice, as placed by Agoda customers:

Kuva kohteliaisuus Agoda

Residenssi Lamartine – mukava. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Ibis Styles hyvä keskusta Gare. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

ETTER’HOTEL AJOUPA. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Boutique -hotelli Neptune mukava. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

L’Alcove -hotelli. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Hotelli Nap -hotelli Happyculture. inspect rates & Availability! ✅

Etsi paljon enemmän hyviä hotelleja!

2020 • 8 • 12

Lisää ehdotuksia YouTubesta ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Peruutettu AirAsia-lento COVID-19: n takia? Näin varata tai palauttaa uudelleen!

Lista tarpeellisista matkustamisesta: Philippine Airlines, Cebu Pacific, AirAsia

julkaistu: 27. kesäkuuta 2020. Ota viimeisimmät vaatimukset sekä pöytäkirjat, ota yhteyttä tai tarkista lentoyhtiön viralliset sivustot.

Vaikka vapaa -ajan matkustaminen on kielletty, hallitus on jo mahdollistanut tarvittavan ja yrityksen matkan. Alueelliset lentoyhtiöt ovat jatkaneet liiketaloudellisia lentoja ja toteuttaneet tiukempia turvallisuusvaiheita, kun matkamarkkinat siirtyvät uuteen normaaliin.

Yksi useimmista kysyttyistä huolenaiheista matkustamisesta nykyään: Mitä vaatimuksia vaaditaan esitellä matkoillaan?

Tämän ratkaisemiseksi Cebu Pacific, Philippine Airlines sekä Filippiinit Airasia ovat julkaissut luettelon tarvittavista tiedostoista, jotta matkustajat valmistuisivat sekä sallitaan matkustaa ja tehdä matkasta vaivaa. Tallenna sanamuoto, luettelot ovat olennaisesti samat. Katso alempaa:

❗️ Kehittömät❗️ Kaikki kolme lentoyhtiötä suosittelevat voimakkaasti, että otat yhteyttä alkuperäsi alueellisiin yksiköihin sekä määränpäähän tarkistaaksesi, onko olemassa ylimääräisiä vaatimuksia tai muutoksia. Jotkut vaatimukset vaihtelevat sijainnista toiseen ja voivat myös muuttaa ajan myötä.

Jos yllä olevat kuvat ovat yhtä vähän laitteessasi, vertasimme, integroitiin sekä kirjoitettu alla olevaan tekstiin yksinkertaiseen lukemiseen:

Paikallisesti hukkaan yksityinen (LSI)

Tunnistuskortti (ID)

Matkaviranomainen / pass Filippiinien kansallisten viranomaisten (PNP) yhteistyöryhmän Covid Shield (JTF-CV). Tämä voidaan hankkia kaupungilta tai viranomaisten kunnalliselta päälliköltä, jos se matkustaa maakuntien välillä täsmälleen samalla alueella tai maakunnan johtajalta, jos matkustavat alueiden välillä.

Matkaviranomaisen / passin vaatimukset:

Lääketieteellinen todistus DOH: n akkreditoidusta sairaalasta tai kaupunkista tai kunnallisesta terveys- ja hyvinvointitoimistosta

Barangay-akkreditointi, joka todistaa, että matkustajalla ei ole COVID-19-oireita 14 päivän ajan ennen matkapäivää

Liikematkustaja (valtuutettu henkilö asuinpaikan ulkopuolella)

Yrityksen tunnus tai

Kaikki viralliset tiedostot liiketoiminnasta, jossa keskustellaan matkojen syystä

Merentakaiset filippiiniläiset työntekijä (OFW)

Matkaviranomainen / pass. Saadaksesi yhden, vaadit suojaamaan lääketieteellistä sertifikaatin sekä barangay-akkreditointia, että sinulla ei ole COVID-19-oireita 14 päivän ajan ennen matkapäivää.

Negatiivinen RT-PCR-tulos

Karanteenin akkreditointi, jonka on antanut karanteenin koiran bureau

Todistus asumisesta

Voimassa oleva passi

Ei mahdollista matkustaa

Vapaa -ajan matkustajat

Alle 21 -vuotiaat henkilöt

60 -vuotiaat ja edellä

Raskaana olevat naiset

Tärkeät muistutukset

As mentioned, for a swift as well as problem-free journey, before booking a flight, get in touch with the LGU of your origin or destination to see if there are additional files needed or modifications to the list.

Huomaa, että myös lentoyhtiöt tarvitsevat matkustajia käyttämään naamaria lentoterminaalissa sekä lentokoneen sisällä.

Tarkasta paljon lisätietoja, että nämä usein pyydetyt huolenaiheet (vastauksilla):

Cebu Pacific FAQs

AirAsia Philippines FAQs

Philippine Airlines new typical Guidelines

Updated Log

2020 June 27 – added Philippine Airlines’ version of the demands infographic.

More suggestions on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

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Kuinka tarkistaa Amazonin sademetsä Boliviassa

Viimeksi päivitetty: 02.0.2010 | 10. helmikuuta 2020

Bolivia tarjoaa budjettiystävällisen vaihtoehdon sademetsän tutkimiseksi. Se on edullisempi ja vähemmän ruuhkainen kuin Brasilian Amazon -retket. Tässä vierasviestissä Erin ei loputon matka osoittaa meille, kuinka voimme kokea sademetsän käymällä läpi Bolivian edullisempaan hintaan!

Amazonin sademetsä. Se on maailman suurin trooppinen sademetsä, joka kattaa noin 5,5 miljoonaa neliökilometriä. Käyttämällä tilaisuutta nähdä harvinainen kasvisto ja eläimistö, sen ei tarvitse olla yllättävää, että se on monien matkustajien ”tehtävän” luetteloiden kärjessä.

Kun monet matkustajat ajattelevat Amazonia, he yleensä ajattelevat Brasiliaa.

Silti Amazonin valuma -alue todella ulottuu yhdeksään Etelä -Amerikan maahan, mikä osoittaa, että sinun ei tarvitse tehdä kallista retkiä Brasiliassa nähdäksesi viidakon. Budjettimatkustajalle Bolivia tarjoaa merkittävän (ja edullisen) vaihtoehdon, josta saadaan valuma-alue.

Se ei ole vain edullisempi ja vähemmän ruuhkainen, vaan se on yhtä biologisesti monimuotoinen kuin Brasilia!

Tässä viestissä näytämme sinulle kaiken, mitä sinun on tiedettävä, jotta sinulla on huomattava Amazon -kokemus Boliviassa!

Mistä aloitat?

Matkojen lähtökohta Bolivian Amazoniin on Rurrenabaquen kaupunki. Täällä on suoraviivaista kirjautua retkiin, ja se on edullisempaa kuin jos varaat kehityksessä La Pazissa. Lisäksi se on pieni kaupunki, joten on helppo vaeltaa ympäri ja löytää vierastalo noin 5-10 dollarilla USD yöllä, kun tarkistat muutamia retkitoimistoja.

Amazonista täältä on kaksi tapaa tarkistaa:

1. Pampat

Pampas -kierrokset ovat halvin vaihtoehto ja siellä, missä näet eniten villieläimiä, mukaan lukien alligaattorit, orava -apinat ja jättimäinen jyrsijä Capybara. Se ei ehkä ole klassinen Amazon -viidakon kokemus, jonka kuvittelit, koska Pampas on kosteikko Savannah Amazonin altaan reunalla kuin syvällä viidakossa, mutta puiden puute osoittaa, että villieläinten havaitseminen on paljon helpompaa.

Kaikilla retki-operaattoreilla on lähes samanlaiset kahden yön/kolmen päivän matkat noin 75 dollaria USD plus puiston sisäänpääsymaksu (joka on noin 20 dollaria USD). Matkat sisältävät yleensä kaikki kuljetukset, ruoka ja opas. Saat mitä maksat, joten odota perusmataa ja aterioita (suosittelen tuottamaan välipaloja), ja oppaasi ei ehkä ole asiantuntevin, jos valitset edullisen operaattorin.

Koska oppaat ovat niin tärkeitä yleiselle kokemukselle, varmista, että pyydät yritystä, jolla on hyvät, asiantuntevat oppaat.

Erittäin kuoppaisen kolmen tunnin Jeep-matkan jälkeen viidakkoon siirryt moottoroituun kanoottiin ja matkustat lisäksi kolme tuntia jokea pitkin majataloasi. River -matka oli meille kohokohta, kun nousimme lähelle merkittävää määrää villieläimiä: satoja alligaattoreita, kokonaisia ​​Capybaran perheitä (jättiläisiä puoliavaattisia jyrsijöitä), kilpikonnat aurinkoa tukkeilla ja puita, jotka ovat täynnä pieniä keltaisia ​​orava -apinoita. Kaikki lintujen, kuten egretit, haikarat, ruusekappaleet, siniset kuningaskalastajat, kotkat ja hoatzin (fasaanialaiset linnut, joilla on siniset kasvot ja piikkiset hiukset) lensivat ja siskoivat ympärillemme.

Riverside-leiri on rauhallisessa ympäristössä puiden keskuudessa, ja siinä on runsaasti villieläinten spoting-mahdollisuuksia (minulla oli apinoita peering huoneeseeni!). Majoitus on jaetuissa puisissa mökissä Stiltsissä, ja heräät howler -apinoiden räikeisiin ääniin. Generaattori toimittaa voimaa klo 22 asti, jotta voit nauttia kylmistä oluista, kun he lepäävät riippumatossa ja katsomassa auringonlaskua joen yli.

The pampas tours are a terrific way to view lots of wildlife for a very economical price, but choose your excursion operator very carefully and make sure they don’t touch or feed any of the wildlife — especially the anacondas.

2. Viidakko

For a a lot more classic Amazon experience, select a jungle tour. You can stay at an eco-lodge in the jungle and do activities from there, but this can be pricey. We (my other half and I) paid $207 USD each for a two-night/three-day excursion with Madidi travel to their Serere Lodge, but we did get a large, comfortable bungalow, terrific food, and a very professionally run trip. We also liked that revenues from the trip go back into conservation work for the area.

Although triple the price of a pampas trip, this is still much less than you’d pay for a similar experience in Brazil.

Serere Lodge is reached by a three-hour canoe ride and a short trip through the jungle. You can choose from a range of activities, including canoe trips on the lake next to the camp (at night you can see the glowing red eyes of caiman), day and night treks in the jungle, piranha fishing, and making jewelry from nuts and siemenet.

Jungle treks are tiring in the heat and humidity, and there were lots of a lot more mosquitoes than in the pampas. It is also much a lot more tough to spot wildlife — you could spend hours and not see one monkey, while we’dcanoed past dozens of them in the pampas. It was interesting to see colorful spiders and gigantic bugs, and learn about the medicinal uses of trees and plants, though.

In general, we just took pleasure in the peace of being in the jungle, especially from the comfort of a hammock, even if we didn’t see a lot of wildlife.

There are more affordable jungle tours available with a lot more basic lodging for similar prices to the pampas trips. We also met someone who had hired a guide separately and trekked and camped out in the jungle. This will save you money and possibly be a a lot more authentic experience, but conditions in the jungle are hard, so don’t undertake one of these treks lightly.

If you have the budget and time, I’d recommend both the pampas and jungle trips, but otherwise, you’ll need to prioritize spotting wildlife in the pampas or the classic jungle experience.

10 travel ideas for the Bolivian Amazon

You can get to Rurrenabaque from La Paz by a horrendous, bumpy 30-hour bus ride or take the scenic 35-minute flight across snowy mountains and into the jungle. We flew with Amaszonas for $75 each way, but TAM might be a little cheaper. Obviously, the $10 bus ride will save you money, but it might not be worth it for your sanity! check Skyscanner or Momondo for the best prices.

The best time to check out the Bolivian Amazon is the dry season from may to October when there is a lot more wildlife attracted to the rivers and fewer mosquitoes.

There is no reputable ATM in Rurrenabaque, so bring plenty of cash.

Many excursion operators will offer anaconda hunts where you can pose for photos. Don’t go on these. Wild animals must be checked out from a distance only; they aren’t pets.

The jungle trip is a lot more physically demanding than the pampas excursion so be sure to have good footwear and proper hiking clothing.

Many guides will encourage you to get up close and personal with lots of of the animals that you see. For your own safety, don’t.

To make sure you get a reputable excursion operator, don’t pay less than around $90-100 USD for your tour. Anything below that price point will like be less than ideal.

If you’re doing the jungle tour, you’ll want to wear water resistant hiking boots or shoes.

Wear light trekking clothes as it can get warm, but also make sure to conceal so you aren’t attacked by mosquitoes. Bring bug spray with you as well.

We did our pampas trip with Indigena Tours. I can’t say I recommend them, as it was quite badly organized, the food parts were too small, and our guide wasn’t very helpful. but at least they didn’t touch any of the animals, which is a common problem here. There are absolutely worse excursion companies in Rurrenabaque. ultimately it’s a low-cost trip and you get what you pay for (there aren’t any a lot more expensive, better-run options), but it was worth it for us to get up close with so much wildlife.

Visiting the Amazon jungle is a highlight for lots of travelers in South America, and it’d be a shame to miss out because you can’t afford the high cost of trips in Brazil. For us, Bolivia produced a best economical alternative.
If you’re heading to Bolivia anyway (and you must — it’s an remarkable country!), be sure to consider taking an Amazon excursion here. You won’t be disappointed!

Erin McNeaney and her partner Simon offered everything they owned and left the UK in March 2010 to travel the world forever. You can follow their adventures at never Ending Voyage, or Twitter and Facebook.

Book Your trip to Bolivia: Logistical ideas and Tricks
Book Your Flight
Käytä Skyscanneria tai Momondoa löytääksesi edullisen lennon. They are my two favorite search engines because they search web sites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned. start with Skyscanner first though because they have the greatest reach!

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the greatest inventory and best deals. Jos haluat pysyä muualla kuin hostellissa, käytä, koska ne palauttavat jatkuvasti halvimmat hinnat majataloihin ja edullisiin hotelleihin.

Älä unohda matkavakuutusta
Travel insurance will secure you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s detailed protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it lots of times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Turvallisuussiipi (kaikille alle 70)

Insure My trip (for those over 70)

MedJet (lisäysten kattavuutta varten)

Etsitkö parhaita yrityksiä säästää rahaa?
Tutustu resurssisivulleni parhaat yritykset, joita käytetään matkustaessasi. Luettelen kaikki ne, joita käytän säästääksesi rahaa tiellä. Ne säästävät rahaa myös matkustaessasi.

Photo Credit: 1 – Kevin Jones